Landscaping: Do it Yourself or Hire a Professional?
To DIY or not to DIY… that is the question. With the amount of Pinterest boards and YouTube tutorials that are out there, any project can seem super simple and easy to achieve on your own. Sometimes that’s the case, but sometimes it’s just a better idea to hire an experienced professional! If you’re wondering whether you should do it yourself or if you should just hire a professional, read the tips below for help making a decision.
Do You Have the Proper Tools?
One thing you should think about before starting an at-home project is whether or not you have the proper tools to get the job done. Creating garden boxes might seem easy enough, but do you have a saw? Something to sand the wood with? If you’re putting in new grass and topsoil, do you have a way to spread the soil and seeds evenly over your property? People who don’t have the proper tools and buy them for a single project usually spend more than they’re expecting, and only use the tools one time.
A lot of the time the cost of a tool can be nearly the same or even more than the cost of hiring the job out to a contractor. However, if your project is simple or you already have the tools on hand, DIY could be the right choice!
Is the Job Dangerous?
Before starting a project, you should always know the risks involved. You might be dealing with sharp objects, power tools, heavy items, and much more. If you’re inexperienced with working with those things, the DIY project can be a definite safety hazard. A trained professional will know the best and safest way to get things done. If you feel like the project isn’t safe, hiring a professional is the way to go.
However, if you feel like you know how to safely perform all of the job aspects, a DIY may be the right option! Be sure to carefully plan out and think through each step of the process before beginning.
Is it a Financial Investment?
The next thing you want to take into consideration is the magnitude of the project and what it will mean for your property financially. If it’s going to have a big impact on the value of your home or landscape, you should consider it a financial investment because it will mean more money in the future. If this is the case, hiring a professional is without a doubt the best option. You don’t want to risk reducing the value of your property after a failed attempt. In fact, the cost of the landscaping project can be much more if you first attempt it on your own, fail, and end up having to hire a professional anyway.
Take all of these things into consideration when deciding whether or not you should do a project by yourself. More often than not, hiring a professional landscaper is your safest bet both for yourself and your budget. Visit our website to learn more about our services, and contact our team if you have a project you’re ready to start working on!